Researching on-line commerce options

This post is a work-in-progress - I'm using it to document what I find.


A client had a book, published through Amazon.  But he also wants to signed copies.   How can this be done?


Can Amazon do it?

There could be an option  to get author copies from KDP, and then sign them and feed them back to Sell on Amazon - but this is only worth the setup for on-going sales, not an initial promo.

What eCommerce platforms are there?


My client has been considering Wix.   Is it up to the job?  What alternatives?  What cost is involved?

Yes -
But you'll need to buy the Business and eCommerce package ( ) - currenly minimum $17 per month.

Israeli owned company.

It looks like you can use a domain purchased from elsehwere - I haven't tested.

Hostel solution - "they" have ultimate control of your store, not you

Other optionss
Shopify - $29 per month
Magento – self-hosted ecommerce software
WordPress with WooCommerce – self-hosted ecommerce software for flexible design - free WooCommerce is good enough for this case.
An opinion:
If great design is your top priority, then you can’t go wrong with Squarespace Commerce. But ... if you have big growth plans for your store, Shopify is great for scalability. ... if you’re looking to save money, then Wix may be your best bet.

What about a Facebook store?

Other interesting things I noticed, which may be useful

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